The Primordium
by Der Nister

Translated, Introduced and Annotated by Nathan Wolski
Art by Tunni Kraus

A kabbalistically-suffused, hyper-anthropomorphic myth about creation by a master of Yiddish
modernism, Der Nister’s Primordium (Der Kadmen, 1910) takes the reader deep into the mind of
God preceding creation, and narrates his precarious and tortured quest for self-consciousness and
expression. Tracing the Primordium’s maturation across cosmic eons in the face of his own doubts
and fear, and in the face of cosmic silence and nothingness, Der Nister’s Der Kadmen is a meditation
on the dialectics of being and nothingness, and one of the boldest experiments in writing Jewish
myth in modernity.
Critically annotated, adorned and unveiled by ten paintings, this bilingual edition will delight scholars
of Kabbalah and Yiddish alike.

A modernist Yiddish creation myth which feels equally Zoharic and Kafkaesque. A wild avant-garde
trip into the tortured mind of God. Wolski’s translation of Der Nister’s astonishing Yiddish prose
and Kraus’s visual midrash are exquisite.
Melila Hellner-Eshed, author of A River Flows from Eden: On the Language of
Mystical Experience in the Zohar, and Seekers of the Face: Secrets of the Idra Rabba
A profound myth of Divine unfolding, of the dialectical interplay between Being and Nothingness.
In his wondrous, sparkling translation, Nathan Wolski has made this gem of Yiddish literature
available to the wider world. Reading this short story takes you on a spiritual journey to the beyond.
Daniel Matt, author of Becoming Elijah and the multivolume,
annotated translation, The Zohar: Pritzker Edition
We invite you to purchase a copy of The Primordium by visiting For your convenience, please CLICK HERE to go directly to the book's page. 

Panui was interviewed by WYSO's Vick Mickunas!

Rav Aubrey L. Glazer joined Vick in studio to discuss Rav's latest book, Merest Breath, which he co-wrote with the translator Martin S. Cohen.
We invite you to listen to their BOOK NOOK PODCAST.
Merest Breath may be purchased on; click HERE to go directly to the book's Amazon page.

Panui is at the OHALAH 2024 CONFERENCE.

Location: Sheraton Denver West, 360 Union Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80228
Shuk Hours:
1/7 Sunday: 11am – 1pm & 4:30pm – 7:30pm
1/8 Monday: 6pm – 8pm
1/9, Tuesday: 12:30pm - 2pm
Description: Panui is showcasing some of its most recent publications, including, Merest Breath, for sale and author signing at Panui’s booth at the Shuk!
Stop by the Shuk to see what is on SALE!

Panui will be at the OHALAH 2024 CONFERENCE.

Location: Sheraton Denver West, 360 Union Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80228
Shuk Hours:
1/7 Sunday: 11am – 1pm & 4:30pm – 7:30pm
1/8 Monday: 6pm – 8pm
1/9, Tuesday: 12:30pm - 2pm
Description: Panui will be showcasing some of its most recent publications, including, Merest Breath, for sale and author signing at Panui’s booth at the Shuk!
Attendees of the OHALAH Conference will receive a limited time, 10% in-person discount off the Amazon retail price.

Happy Hanukah!

For the eight days of Hanukah, we invite you to engage in contemplative conversation within your deeper self by enjoying these wisdom conversations between Qohelet and Lao Tzu. 
Please visit our Dose of Wisdom page to download your complimentary copy. 

Amazon Review of Merest Breath

We invite you to read the latest review of Merest Breath, posted on Amazon's website.
Please click HERE to go directly to the review.

goodreads Review of Merest Breath

We invite you to read the latest review of Merest Breath, posted on goodreads's website.
Please click HERE to go directly to the review.

New Release - Merest Breath

To order your copy, please click HERE, or go directly to

We invite you to visit the Dose of Wisdom page to download your copies of the "Eight Days of Sukkot, Eight Days of Qohelet" excerpts (free to download, share and teach).