Merest Breath: Kol ha-Tor & Ruah ha-Orev Commentaries on Qohelet
A provocative and contemporary translation with two new commentaries on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes). This eclectic commentary on one of the strangest books of the Hebrew Bible is an ancient wisdom text that dares to address theological skepticism of the present.

Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Leonard Cohen’s Post-Secular Songbook of Mysticism(s) Jewish & Beyond
Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Leonard Cohen’s Post-Secular Songbook of Mysticism(s) Jewish & Beyond analyzes the lyrical poetry of Leonard Cohen through a post-secular lens.

God Knows, Everything is Broken: The Great (Gnostic) Americana Songbook of Bob Dylan
What is it about the songbook of Bob Dylan that continues to captivate our deeper yearnings for meaning and hope in a world so dark and broken?

Pillar of Prayer: Guidance in Contemplative Prayer, Sacred Study, and the Spiritual Life, from the Baal Shem Tov and His Circle (Fons Vitae Spiritual Affinities Series)
The Pillar of Prayer is the long-awaited translation of the Baal Shem Tov’s seminal collection of teachings on prayer in early Hasidism.

From Tiberias, with Love: A Collection of Tiberian Hasidism, Volume 1: R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk
This neglected field of spiritual life remains ripe for excavation, with great insight and inspiration ahead as in the unfolding of this project.

From Tiberias, with Love: A Collection of Tiberian Hasidism. Volume 2: R. Abraham ha-Kohen of Kalisk
From Tiberias, With Love is a journey to rediscovering the magic and mystery, the intimacy and depth of a lost moment in the history of a remarkably relevant conscious community in the Galilee that still has much to teach us.

Unveiling the Veil of Unveiling: Philosophical Aphorisms & Poems on Time, Language, Being, & Truth
The aphorisms and poetry presented in this book seeking and suffering for truth are a journey blending aesthetics and sophisticated philosophy through concise words.

From The Air
A collection of spiritual poetry by renowned Zen rabbi, Alan Lew, with contributions from fellow contemplatives and friends reflecting on its lasting legacy along the path of Jewish meditation and universal spiritual journeying...

Embers of Pilgrimage
The poems in Eitan Fishbane’s Embers of Pilgrimage reflect a religious sensibility at the same time very modern and very ancient, very traditional and very personal, very Jewish but also very ecumenical, very deep but also very accessible.

Mystical Vertigo: Contemporary Kabbalistic Hebrew Poetry Dancing Over the Divide (New Perspectives in Post-Rabbinic Judaism)
Whether extroversive, introversive or some further hybrid, the process of the soul touching the fullness of its divine origins is itself undergoing transformation in the contemporary twenty-first century cultural matrices of Israel.

Contemporary Hebrew Mystical Poetry: How It Redeems Jewish Thinking
This project births the redemptive possibility of poetics becoming poethical. From these masterful studies on the poetry of esotericism, new ways of seeing collocations of poetry within 'aggadah and kabbalah as a by-path we call Hebrew Hermeneutics becomes possible.

A New Physiognomy of Jewish Thinking: Critical Theory After Adorno as Applied to Jewish Thought (Bloomsbury Studies in Jewish Thought)
A New Physiognomy of Jewish Thinking is a search for authenticity that combines critical thinking with a yearning for heartfelt poetics. A physiognomy of thinking addresses the figure of a life lived where theory and praxis are unified.

Vanishing Path: How to Be While There Is Still Time
Spiritual transformation is the crucial ingredient for humans to survive and flourish. By contemplating the mystical rhythms of the Hebrew calendar, Krassen challenges us to go beyond optimism and pessimism...

Living the Death of God: Delimiting the Limitless in Edmond Jabès?s Book of Limits
Living the death of God is the inescapable task of every poet in the wake of the Shoah. In writing a finite book, the task of the Jew and the poet is to approach the Infinite Book which cannot be written.